Back in August 2017, I scribbled something in my journal that popped out today as a reminder for me. We're often stuck in a loop: wake up, alarm off, coffee on, chase the kids (mine were still at school back then) , deal with traffic, and then the usual "I'm fine" exchanges in the work corridor. It's like we're sleepwalking through life. But sometimes, out of nowhere, these big questions hit us - am I doing what I'm supposed to? Who am I, really?
We're hit with these deep, probing existential crisis questions. Am I on the right track? We vow to embrace more mindful practices - intentions around meditation, yoga, quiet time. But before we know it, we're back to our old, unconscious routines. I'm no paragon of discipline, and frankly, I'm not one for rigid schedules. My daily walks with dawgs in parks or around my neighbourhood gives me some kind of reminder to reflect, bringing me back to the bigger deeper musings.
Here's the deal: I realised how easy it is for me to spiral into criticizing everything wrong with the world. Maybe Penny, let's flip the coin and let’s focus on the good stuff - gratitude (kicks fear and anger out), love (find whom makes me smile), and random acts of kindness (givers benefit as much as receivers). A dash of meditation and prayer, a pinch of breathwork, and I forgive the dumbass who cut me off in traffic (they probably think I'm the dumbass, anyway).
Why am I sharing this? I guess by sticking my neck out with this, I have more chance of sticking to it. Going to feed myself with nutritious food and uplifting content. Consume high fibre food and high vibed company. Surround myself with beauty, whether it's a well-kept home, our blooming garden. Spend more time outdoors, cloud-watching, rose smelling, jacaranda watching (highveld summer is beautiful at the moment), and with people who uplift me and the world. Cut down on social media (ironic as here I am), engage in real conversations, adventures and sharing a laugh. Swap the TV for a good book, experiment with new recipes, and whenever possible, escape the city for a quiet, secluded spot to catch our breath.
In essence, it's about pausing for a moment to find a balance, breathe and really figure out what matters. Then grab it by the horns and go for it. Let's be lekker. Alright, that's my time, I've got things to do...